Who's Watching Who?

I was on the phone to the health centre bang on 8am and was the first in the queue (miracle no.1).
I was down there for a real, face to face appointment with my own doctor by 9.50am (miracle no.2).
I was called at 1040am (end of the miracles).
I left at 10.55am with 2 further appointments and a sheet of paper to give to the x-ray department at the hospital.
After 40 minutes of SWMBO constantly redialling the two numbers and getting the engaged tone, I got an answer. Another miracle? - No. It was an automated answer telling me to punch in some kind of number ... I guessed it was one of the numbers on one of the 3 stickers on the hospital sheet (I was right) then I was asked to punch in my PIN!!!!!!
That was when I went back to the health centre and asked what the hell was going on.
They were totally confused as it should be a real person who answered the phone.
The receptionist tried dialling a few times ......always engaged.
'The Oracle' in the office was consulted and I was given the hospital's main switchboard number to phone and ask to be connected - that would do it because it was an internal connection.
After 10minutes of being put on hold by the switchboard operator due to the line being busy in x-ray (who failed to come back and try reconnecting again) I hung up and dialled again. Same result.
As I was getting ready to go up to the hospital and create mary hell, SWMBO phoned ..... and got through!
An appointment for Wednesday was made and confusion took over when I explained about their automated messages.
And they say that automation improves the services within the NHS Scotland! ........... absolute bollocks - unless you consider patients not being able to be seen or treated as 'improvement.

SWMBO and I then went for a walk so I could calm down and hopefully the headache that had developed would go away.
We went down to the local pond where I took some pictures of the artworks(?) and the swans. (shots over HERE)

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