How to get fit in winter

The easiest way to maintain some level of fitness is to walk daily.  And it’s free. And it requires no special equipment. In summer that is not a problem but in winter the choice is between short limited daylight hours or the dark, often in rain or a strong wind or a combination of both, does not appeal to the sloth in me.
The alternative is to join the gym. (Grrrrr…)
But I am feeling virtuous today. I have signed up for monthly membership of our local gym, the Peak. Until now I have been using it on a pay as you go basis. On the other hand if I go more than once a week then it’s cheaper than my present system. 
With the long dark nights approaching, and in Scotland that is nearly five months of the year, the gym offers a good alternative to walking.

Or I could get a dog. That way I would be forced out daily whatever the weather.
Photo: entry into Pendreich woods. 

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