Happy Halloween!

Yay, we made it through Monday! 
Happy Halloween! 

A man from Maryland who stormed Congress was sentenced today. My neighbor said at the time that people she knew said this guy was not ok, he was not capable of going to the White House on his own, someone had to have talked him into it and taken him. "a federal judge ruled Wednesday, finding that Asperger’s syndrome made him susceptible to the influence of the mob. Nicholas Rodean of Frederick, Md., attempted to address U.S. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden Wednesday and visibly struggled to complete thoughts and sentences while explaining and apologizing for his Jan. 6 conduct. At one point, he clutched his head in frustration. McFadden ultimately chose to sentence Rodean to 240 days of home confinement. But he said he was convinced that Rodean’s severe mental illness significantly mitigated “the blameworthiness of your conduct.”"

Russians targeted schools in Kharkiv (east). They stripped Ukrainian books and symbols and tried to force teachers to follow a Russian-imposed curriculum. The principals and teachers resisted. Izyum School was occupied by Russians for over five months. Before they invaded her school, Natalia Pushkar called teachers and they hid every book they could. They hid them behind radiators, in crawl spaces, at the back of storage rooms. Now that the Russians have been forced out, they still have the books. 

Russia has acknowledged that it doesn't have enough equipment for its soldiers. Some aren't being being given weapons. Others are given firearms that are barely usable. The Russian Defense Ministry says they have suspended mobilization. 

In Kherson (south) Ukraine has the advantage in range and precision guidance artillery, rockets, and drones. Russia began the war with the advantage in weaponry. They had more, much more, and they could shoot it from beyond the reach of Ukrainian weapons. With cheap, homemade drones Ukraine is taking out armored vehicles worth millions of dollars. In Kherson the two sides are shooting about equal number of shells, but Ukraines are longer range and more precise. "We can reach them and they cannot reach us" - Maj. Oleksandr. Weapons that can shoot long distances have forced Russians to move their heavy equipment far from the front. 

Now this is really important. Russian lawmaker Alexander Khinshtein, proposed a law prohibiting gay propaganda. Anyone can be fined or arrested for saying anything that could be considered positive about LGBT people. This is very important. Are you ready? "Khinshtein singled out Peppa Pig, the popular British cartoon show, as a "tool of a hybrid war" being waged against Russia by normalising same-sex relationships - citing lesbian polar bear characters." 

I want to know more about this Peppa Pig show and I definitely want to know more about these polar bears and by all means, I want to know how you are using a cartoon to wage war. 

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