Giant Funnel (Leucopaxillus giganteus) (probably)

We stalled Reggie for a little while but he’s used to going out for a walk before Lauren goes to work, so he keep whining and nudging me until Peter had finished some work calls and we could go.

These fungi were in the little deciduous wood at the southern end of Waterford Marsh next to a path we’d not walked before. They were growing in a large arc, not quite a complete fairy ring and were very white and the biggest ones were about 20cm across. According to, ‘most mature specimens attain a cap diameter of between 15 and 35cm and many very much smaller, which makes size a poor clue to identity.’

Tony turned 21 today. Officially he can can no longer avoid being an adult lol. I enjoyed a long while selecting lots of photos from his years to put on Facebook. We will also be making him a photo book as we did for Lauren.

I’m a bit sad not to see him to celebrate with him but he’s only just back at uni and he wanted to go out with his friends for Halloween - fair enough. We’ve ordered a supermarket shop to be delivered so he and his house mates can have a steak dinner - not something they can afford usually.

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