Mission accomplished

When I was arranging this week off I had been thinking of Cornwall or Scotland but, in the end, my hunt for a home for the chair, yes, that chair, had sealed the deal and directed me back to Norfolk.
So, with my mission objective in mind this morning I had a quick look at the harbour (extra) and then set off to invade Fakenham for two new tyres. It felt so much better to feel the security of getting them done. Then onward to invade Norwich to take the chair to it’s new home. After a bit of confusion trying to find the right place and negotiating the city traffic, I ended up finding the Matthew Project, and Cath, who has recently taken over the running of the Workshop. She asked me if the chair had a name; I called it Doris. Cath said they would be very happy to take Doris into their care and look after her (extra) : ) : ) ... at long last. Cath also showed me around the centre with its clever architecture and the whole place had such a good feel to it ... https://www.matthewproject.org/the-workshop

I parked up at the Cathedral and walked into the centre to meet my sister at lunchtime. I bought some books for her to take out to my great niece and nephew in Switzerland when she visits later this week. I got a pair of jeans and then headed back again calling in at M&R’s on my way.

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