The Grid

Went to work, worked, went back home.

Shot in the classroom before my students arrived.
After my class, I had an hour-long meeting with colleagues during which we discussed marking for the exams.

In the afternoon, went to my dental appointment.  There's a new dentist in town.  He's from Cologne.  He's trying to speak Dutch.  Jolly old chap.  And even I had to smile as I typed that.  What did he fix?  No drilling, but he kind of evened up the colour of the enamel.  I still have my own teeth, thankfully.

In the evening, AW left with Beau for Thursday night live bridge, and I spent the time looking for dead people for my genealogy project.  We've just had Haloween, right?  Oh, and while I was at work, a microwave guy came around to look at our microwave, and replaced an electronic plate.  No, no, no, it's not connected to either of our phones or laptops, nobody is listening to us when we chat in the kitchen.  Also, the replacement fell within the warranty period, so all good, yeah?  :D))

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