Windmill 'Op Hoop van Beter', Ingen

'Op Hoop van Beter' =  'Op Hope van Bey-ter' = 'Hoping For Better'

In the foreground is a kind of petting zoo, or maybe it's just a motley crew of someone's favourite barnyard animals, complete with an evil-looking goat and some loud squabbling geese.  They all made me laugh several times -- they sounded like bitchy housewives... :D)))  It could have been possible to walk a little further towards the mill, but then a brick garage was in the way, and some small trees, so this was the best view I managed to get.

A quick hunt before classes, all of which had been scheduled in the afternoon.  Good weather is not so easy to come by these days, I could not help but take advantage of it.  Sure enough, it clouded over early in the evening, and rained lightly later..  After the hunt, ...

... went to work, worked, went back home ...

... where I promptly returned to genealogical research.  There are two or three mountains of work there, and I have a few years to finish it, but it needs to keep moving.

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