
By Ellaphant

That One

The one I picked up last Monday, when I didn't have that much time to browse because a lot of time was needed for the train journey... bah!  Not just that, but I appear to have a bruised rib as a result of being squashed too long in the train.  It is painful and bothersome as it obstructs some movement, but it'll disappear after a while.

No, I haven't begun it.  As I've mentioned before, Pamuk comes first at this time.  I must have quite a stock of unread stuff, no?  Yes, I do!  Enough for many a rainy day / week / month / year... but I'd rather scrap those last two.

A quiet day of MOOCking and some gaming, plus housekeeping and kitchen duties.  Not much colouring because the light was insufficient, but the new mandala looks promising even at this stage.  We shall see how it evolves.

MOOC = Massive Open Online Course / MOOCking = taking such a course

Thankful for my MOOCs!

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