Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another fisherman. Is this a series?

Swimming: 1 km. I must add them up some time and see if I've done the Channel yet...

Today we reached 20 degrees! The whole city was out sunbathing or sitting out in pavement cafes. Pity they haven't got the grass rolled out in Princes Street Gardens yet... The sun does make everyone feel better - shame it's only for today...

Uncle A did not require any shopping, having done a few messages locally himself, so I pondered the beautiful day, and decided to move my indoor appointment (with the Man in Charge of Fountains) to Wednesday, which was one of the options given to me anyway.

And so I took the bus to Cramond and walked up the River Almond. I've never gone the whole way before, but checked on the map and saw where it came out (at Cramond Brig) where I could get a bus home again.

Every man and his dog was out at Cramond. People in swimming. Or paddling anyway. I walked right up the river. I had my hat off, and even took my jacket off briefly. There were three fishermen at various points up the river, with varying levels of success, apparently.

I clambered down to get a better view of this chap because I love that waterfall. I'm very careful. Especially as yesterday Stuart told of how he slipped while taking a shot near a river. He dropped his camera into the mud and his bag in the river! Eeeeek!

I weighed myself this morning. The Two/Five diet starts today! I don't think I've ever been heavier, except when I first started teaching, when I was eating school dinners (they were edible - even delicious - in those days) and a cooked meal in the evening. Oh, and drinking pints of beer regularly with enthusiasm. But I was playing badminton and squash several times a week.

Today I walked past TWO cafes offering scones, had a (diet) fizzy drink at the pub at the end of the river, before catching the bus back. I also walked past the shop selling Magnums and chocolate as I neared home.

So far so good. I refuse to buy those elasticated waistbands just yet!

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