Outside tap

Has there ever been so much excitement over the installation of a tap? When the plumber in charge of our new bathroom said that he could create an outdoor water supply for us, I nearly wept with joy. No longer will we need to run the hosepipe through the corrindor* and hall all the way to the kitchen sink whenever we need to water the back garden at the height of summer.

The plumber was here most of the day. We also expected the tiler, but he couldn't come because his wife is all and he needed to ferry their children to and fro Saturday commitments. He may come tomorrow.

We're rather trapped in the flat while the building work continues, but I did manage to escape for a run late afternoon. I also spent some time on the LornaLPodcast journal (do please take a look!), and watched the last two episodes of series 3 of the dramatisation of Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan novels.

*named after our former lodger Corrin.

Exercise today: 5k run.

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