Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlfe Trust

This morning we attended the AGM of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust,(HIWWT) held in Winchester.  We were very impressed by all the work the Trust has been carrying out over the past year, especially using "nature as a solution"  to tackle climate change and reduce nitrates and other pollution.from run-off. This has included  acquiring more land on the IOW, for rewilding and habitat restoration, and developing a  Solent seagrass restoration project. Now there are plans to reintroduce beavers to the Isle of Wight! 
We were also delighted to vote in Megan McCubbin as the Trust's new President, and her Stepfather, Chris Packham, as a Vice President. 
It was so uplifting to spend time with like minded people and hear good news about nature conservation. Now, we need to get more people involved. 
These are some of the flowers my husband had bought me, earlier in the week,to welcome me home from my Mother's.

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