
Today was Danny's deadline for an essay (he recently found out he did really really well on his dissertation!!), so the kids and I left him in peace and came down to the beach. It was so so windy it was almost unpleasant. But Nate especially enjoyed it, plus we walked home the pretty coastal path. Back home for de-sanding and homework...and then to meet Joha and Isabel at the hotel opposite ours as Graham was dj-ing there this afternoon. Good to catch up. 
Church tonight was good, little and good...and Nate and Álvaro got on like a house on fire.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This t-shirt of Nate's, 'bought' yesterday at the clothes swap. It's from our friend's charity...I love the slogan.
2) The kids enjoying clambering over rocks on the way home.
3) Joha inviting us to share their free food and drink tab which was given to them as a perk of Graham playing.

Today's joy theme is government...I've thought all day about this and not found it easy!
1) That I live in a country that values democracy.
2) That I can think of some inspiring political figures from the past, and hope for more of the same in the future.
3) That our government in Spain have made buses and trains free until Christmas!

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