Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Blood moon

For once the weather gods have smiled on us in Newy and gave us good sightings of the eclipse tonight.  While I took shots from the start of the eclipse, it was this one taken from my dining room window now that I am home that I am posting.  Better because there was less wind in my dining room than down at Horseshoe beach and because I had my cable release on which I had inconveniently left at home.

I have put one of the moon rising behind the signal house and Nobby's lighthouse up in the extra.  It is not often you get a full moon rise with just the right exposure to capture both the moon and the foreground.

There were absolute crowds of togs out tonight capturing this not to mention the general public.   I have never seen so many people out and about on a Tuesday night.

And in other news, Maggy and I visited the hospital today.   There was a new patient, a young man whose head looked like a soccer ball with staples following clearly significant brain surgery.  I didn't ask what had happened to him, that can wait for another time.  We spent quite a bit of time with him while he cried and cuddled and hugged Maggy.   He had pictures of his dog Bugs up on the wall and was missing him.  I felt he needed some extra time poor chap.

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