
A day largely spent at Dunbar…another carload of possessions brought back to sort and a visit to the dentist. I should’ve seen the dentist in August but rescheduled due to my holidays…they then cancelled the next appointment, I had to cancel in September because of my ankle and they cancelled last month…I was glad to actually make it and be seen today! 

It’s been mostly dry and very mild (especially in Dunbar)…there were a few drops of rain as I reached home but I did get unloaded without getting wet. Hope it stays dry tonight as we’re doing some nighttime shooting around Berwick this evening at camera club.

My little bit of technology (about 3cm x 1cm x 0.5cm) sits on my wrist mostly 24 hrs a day measuring my blood pressure. I had been trying to monitor my BP with a cuff for about 2 months when I saw this advertised and decided it was probably worth investing in. It’s calibrated against a cuff reading to start and need recalibrated once a month thereafter. An app on the phone records the data and I can print out or email charts etc direct to the surgery should I wish. My systolic pressure is still higher than it should be but the diastolic pressure is well within normal limits.

Thanks to davidc for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

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