These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos


Last minute blip of the night. Just to show how sad it is that I've been squeezing poor Tyler's feet into the obviously too small brown shoes when he should be wearing these oversized big boy shoes. Poor guy! He never once complained about his old shoes, but seems totally thrilled now, to have shoes that fit!

We welcomed the twins home today. Mia was mesmerized and can't keep away from them. She absolutely loves them! Tyler thinks they are pretty cool, but he's got more important big boy things to do. And Hannah likes em just fine, but she has her own agenda too!

Had a photography class tonight and learned about HDR photography. I don't really have the proper processing stuff to do it correctly, but it was interesting nonetheless. Tomorrow, we'll learn about lightroom which will be much more useful for me! Goodnight all!

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