Carolina's journal

By Carolina


Well, I must admit that I probably shouldn't have let them play in the reclaimed water.   But I always think that compared to the things my brother John and I did when we were kids.... this is a negative extreme!   They had fun and we stayed long enough for their clothes to dry ( mostly) before we walked down the street to the other park and then meandered home for some sustenance!    A fun day and did some adventuring to Molly's liking!  Will put a few in the extras for you. 
    Thanks so much for the hearts and stars for the last few blips and the lovely comments!  Joe and I only see the girls once a year so we try and spend a lot of time with them doing things.  We see the boys twice a year for now, but as they get into their teens that will probably be once a year also.  
    I always think of Admirer when Saturday's roll around - so this shot is for Admirer. 
   The last extra is of the girls making something cool out of what they found thrown out at the side of the road.  

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