Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Autumn Leaves

As the puddles recede, frost now starts to make an early morning appearance in Canterbury. Autumn's changeable nature smiles on the good folk of Canterbury once more.

Even so, I love these crisp starts and mellow low-sun days. Especially when you're greeted by the sight of a pile of crispy crunchy leaves like these from a denuded maple.

Thanks so much to all those who commented on yesterday's blip, particularly those who sent the hearts. Regular visitors to my blips will also notice I'm now a full member (well blip number 264 in a row seemed to be as good a time as any!) so I look forward to sending my own hearts out too.

Oh, I almost forgot, large sized images too! So, go on, Knock yourself out, feel the crunchiness full-screen...

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