A Day In The Life

By Irish59

In Search Of

Seeds! Once the annuals were cleared out of the window boxes I started sprinkling sunflower seeds on top of the soil for the birds to find. Now, I see chickadees and tufted titmice flying in on a regular basis so we’ve decided to leave them up for the winter :) • Wow, what a difference a day makes! It’s so blustery and cold today making Wednesday’s snow forecast believable. We dusted off our hats and winter coats and went grocery shopping • The weather change has also tickled awake my holiday spirit. The timing is good because the Elves have much to do and it’s so much more fun when you’re feeling festive and gay (LoL)!! • Today has been Grouch’s best day so far!! Thank you for all of the positive healing energy! For MrsP too • Keep warm and cozy!

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