Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


This dragonfly conveniently landed on my window so I could take a silhouette for MonoMonday today.  Of course, the dragonfly isn't real, but it still looks pretty cool.  It's actually hanging in front of the window, and I got the idea when I noticed it this morning with the sun behind it.  Many thanks to Heanku for hosting MonoMondays this month!

I'm blipping early so I can get started on the big project of reorganizing our storage room.  It was Becky's bedroom many moons ago, and since then has been collecting all kinds of stuff.  I'd like to have a large donation out for pick by the end of the week.

Our hot tub worked great for a few weeks after getting it set up again.  Now it's running constantly and won't heat past 96 degrees.  It also has 3 flashing dots on the screen.  We've tried everything the manual suggests, and nothing worked.  I've been on the phone all morning trying to get someone over to look at it.  I finally managed to get an appointment for the 23rd (others were 2 - 3 weeks out).  In the meantime, it just has to keep running because it will freeze otherwise.  I'm afraid to see our next electric bill! :-o

I am grateful that it's only the hot tub and not our furnace, which is very necessary this week with forecast temps below 40F every day!  Hope I haven't jinxed it now!

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