Windmill 'De Koornbloem', Goes

'Koornbloem' = 'korn-bloom' = 'cornflower' but then the old spelling.
The new spelling is 'koRENbloem'.  You can see how 'koorn' could possibly be the Old English spelling as well.
'Goes' sounds like 'goose' as in Mother Goose and NOT like 'gose' as in 'There she goes.'

No need for an early start, but I did check my mail first thing.  Sure enough, two emails, one of which was very important for today -- instructions as to how to get my legal documents apostilled.  It was not necessary to return to The Hague, thankfully, meaning that I didn't even have to phone to make an appointment, which would have meant yet another delay.  Instead, a quick trip to our courthouse and a 15-minute wait was all that was needed.  Took shots and updated the Viking every step of the way, even up to the DHL office.  They've contacted him in the meantime.  The package will arrive on Wednesday, he will get it at the latest by Friday, but hopefully earlier.

And should I include the near mishap I had outside the courthouse, when I took a shot of the building, then picked up my bag and walked to the car and forgot the entire folder with documents in the courtyard in front of the building?  Panic and yet more panic... but all was fine because the security personnel had spotted the folder and brought it back inside, where of course I picked it up.  I must have been so distracted.

After leaving it at the DHL office, I knew I had to take advantage of the sunny afternoon, so drove to Goes ('goose'!) to visit this windmill.  Goes used to have a total of 11 windmills.  Today, this is the only one left.  It was built in 1801.  The previous windmill burned down in 1771.  The last thorough renovation began in February 2021 and was finished just last July -- I was lucky!  Had it still been surrounded by scaffolding and canvas, I would have needed a Plan B, but the sky was thick with clouds further down the A58 and I would have returned home 'empty-handed'.  On my way back, did some supermarket errands, so that's done.

Still feeling quite tired, and now I'm convinced it's the freezing cold.  My body is using up more energy to stay warm.  I'm inclined to think we'll have a real winter this year.  That said... one never knows with the weather.

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