
... that our friend, Zé Maria, works as well as drinks, despite what everyone says. And, as I said to his boss, if I had his life, I'd probably drink too much as well.

The wall on the right is of the place we lived for our first year in Mourão. They were forever coming to suck out the blocked sewers, so it was good to see that something more permanent has been done. The drains are concrete and over fifty years old and need replacing, but apparently too expensive to do it all. A common problem in old towns in Portugal, and the reason why there is often a notice in toilets asking you to please not put paper in the toilet, but in the bin. I've been asked to write it out in English as tourists ignore the sign; not sure it will have made much difference, though - even if you're willing, it's hard to remember in the moment.

- had my Covid booster and flu vaccinations this morning; so hard to decide what's best, but I was called, so decided to go, the best bit is chatting in the small recovery room with folk afterwards (Eden had her second lot today as well, poor little tyke.)
- improvement on the pain, and thanks to all of you who sympathised; a painkiller so I could sleep better certainly helped
- a very windy Lula walk (but still none of the predicted rain, and the Lake ever lower)

Wanted to add a bit about Olive Kitteridge from yesterday. I think one of the things I loved about it is the non-judgemental way people are portrayed. In one chapter, Olive might be critical of someone, then in another, she learns more of their story and accepts them more , and we do the same with Olive, who at first appears to be fairly obnoxious, but then you see another side of her and learn to love her. A man called Bob asks his wife how Olive's husband can stand her, and his wife answers, "He loves her. That's how he can stand her."


I think Blip has helped me to be less critical and more accepting of people. Obviously, it's easier because (as they say in Brazil), we're not "smelling each other's breath" - but I think it carries over into real life. I read in my Bible today (Romans 14v13): "Forget about deciding what’s right for each other. Here’s what you need to be concerned about: that you don’t get in the way of someone else, making life more difficult than it already is."

So, here's an extra grateful:
- Blip, for training me to be more accepting of people in all their glorious diversity

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