
A dull day initially, not an obvious one for multiple loads of laundry .... but that's one of today's achievements. Got bedding dried outside but the airer is well loaded with other things now.  I've also begun my house blitz, kind of spring cleaning on speed except it will take ages!   I've started in my bedroom, almost the smallest room in the house and the least challenging.  A sort out of old clothes - which are all I possess really - remains but the room looks much better.   There's also a couple of boxes of stuff that I've removed which needs sorting, including photos going back forty plus years.   Think I'm ready for that challenge now.

A morning walk with C and the Megs blew away a different kind of cobweb :-) and yielded extra dividends in various useful items from C's ongoing clearout before her move.  Several already passed on to Jamie and a couple put to good use in my kitchen tonight.   The second meeting of the new sea shanty singing group tonight was in a more suitable venue and we made an excellent sound.  I unexpectedly found myself calling out the lead  line for a new shanty - one I'd heard for the first time this afternoon.  I'm really just a back row singer but it was a good crack nonetheless!

Massonia pustulata, a South African bulb from the South Western Cape, one of my seed raisings since I moved here.   The leaves are very striking and the flower bud will soon open - I'll show the flower in due course.

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