By lizzie_birkett

A Wet School Walk

We went to Skipton on the bus this morning for my optician appt. and got very wet.  I need new reading specs to replace the ones I sat on - the 3rd ones I’ve sat on! There were none that I liked. I want something a bit funky but all were brown, black or burgundy. I fancy red or emerald green! There were some kids ones that I liked but they had Horrid Henry on the side ;-D)). In the past I would have settled for the best of a boring bunch but not anymore. Some of the specs are so ridiculously expensive!
One or two that I quite liked were £350 just for the frames!!! I won’t pay over the odds for designer plastic - I’ll keep looking thank you very much!
Has anyone bought any prescription specs on line?

Once home we had a healthy salad for lunch and later I went to visit my friend Angie on the new (20 year old) estate. She has been a great help to us when we sponsored Tonya and Yurii. She helps refugees from all over the world. It was good to have a chat and get things off my chest. She has a good listening ear and Bella enjoyed meeting her cat. I forgot to take a photo when they were nose to nose! Bella loves cats.

Now Frank and I are sitting by the wood-burner enjoying a glass of home brew while we decide whether to watch telly or not.

I’ll probably fall asleep anyway!
Good night :-)X

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