Seas Rolling In

Another day of gales, showers and cloudy. 

Up early and another early shift in the airport. I started on the check-in desk, then moved to meeting and boarding flights for the rest of the day. Our first Aberdeen flight had to turn back with a technical fault, and then the problems started for the rest of my shift. Been a tough day of tech issues and delays. Exhausted, but popped by Madeline's for a cuppa on my way home. Working in the shop this evening, thankfully a quiet evening. Early to bed. I didn't sleep well last night. The pains in my legs were severe, but better today.

Times like this, we have to be glad we have local bakeries, butchers and dairy in the islands. The north boat (Northlink) hasn't sailed for a few days now, and fresh produce is running low, or so the general public seem to think. I don't think we'll starve in a few days, but reports say the supermarkets are low in stock. Sadly with a busy day, I didn't get to see much of the stormy seas, but they looked spectacular from a distance. The closest I got, was to the waves rolling in at Shandrick (Channerwick). 

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