Spindrift at Compass Head

The gales continue to batter the isles, showers, and even glimpses of sunshine. 

Last early shift of the week in the airport. I've mostly been working on the check-in desk all day. A busy morning with flights and offshore check-ins. Most flights in and out on time, and helicopters offshore too. Our 1610hrs Aberdeen flight got cancelled, due to wind and rain in ABZ. Popped by Jonny's on my way home, only Lena home. Working in the shop this evening, a fairly quiet night. More Rain, so a quiet night by the fire.

I headed out for a lunchtime walk, and got battered by the wind, and soaked with salty water from the spindrift. Spindrift is the light sea spray, that's whipped up from the waves, makes it's way up the banks broo (cliffs) and lands anywhere and on anyone stupid enough to be out walking in it. Sadly only had my mobile phone for photos, which really hasn't captured the scale or atmosphere in the area. Stormy seas with the spindrift climbing the cliffs, Compass Head, Sumburgh.  

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