Loganair Christmas Doo 2022

A calmer day, well the gales have only been 30-40mph.  Mostly cloudy, with some sunny spells.  There has been the odd light shower.  

I slept well last night, and up early to start my weekend.  I managed to get three loads of washing out on the line.  Fed the birds, and accidentally scared off four waxwings, I'll keep a look out for them tomorrow.  Met friend Julie for walkies, and we popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Into Lerwick in the afternoon, and nipped to the supermarket.  Rumours weren't completely true, not much fresh produce, only local, but plenty of everything else.  The boats have started running again tonight.  Off out for a meal tonight.  

Tonight is our Loganair staff Christmas doo.  Sadly not everyone could make it for various reasons, and this year we are check-in and ramp agents out together.  Good food, good laughs, and good drams.  A bit of banter between both departments, all in good fun.  Taken in the KB (Kiln Bar), Main Street, Scalloway.  

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