Cactus flower

Today I tried to go the the hen guardian's house at Huntly again.  We checked the forecast and the road reports before I left home, and there were no reports of anything serious.  However, when I got near to Huntly, I found a tailback of traffic, which turned out to be caused by flooding of the road at the bottom of the hill.  I tried to go in by the only alternative road from where I was, but this was also closed by flooding, and I had to queue for ages to get back to the main road to head back home. On the way home, I could see that the river Urie had broken its banks over quite a long stretch, and nearer to home, the Don had also broken its banks.  It would have been interesting to take photos of the floods, but the light was very low, so they'd have been pretty poor if I had been able to stop.  

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