Cat and Fire. Or Fire and Cat.

After yesterday's splendid celebratory blip, there was nowhere to go except even more mundane.

It's rained today every time I've decided to walk. The sun has shone every time I've sat in the car. Which to be fair is only twice for each.

Stayed the same at Fat Club which is ok. But had a cake at The Birdhouse anyway to celebrate. Then we raced back to Falmouth to get Ally to his latest 'hobby' - capoeira, not to be confused with capybara. As it finishes at 6, I drove through the Golden Arches for tea and still had them all in bed for almost bedtime!

As it's rained I have put a fire in. You'll all be relieved to know I have now moved Stella the cat and taken her place on the rug...

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