Bedroom Revamp Phase 3: Progress!

The fitters made good progress with our bedroom revamp this week - all the new units are fitted and we're very pleased with them. We still need the mirror on the wall of the vanity unit, and the "worktop" for that has to be cut at the factory from a template they've made. I managed to refit the old carpet yesterday evening, round the new units, with only a few little errors - we'll need to use the room when visitors come at Christmas and we won't have the new carpet by then. (Walking with bare feet on old splintery floorboards wouldn't be a good idea!) And of course there's still lots of wallpaper stripping and filling of holes to be done before we even think of getting our decorator in.

(PS There aren't really any ripples in the coving etc - I wobbled a bit taking the phone pano!)

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