
By NightOwl45

Saturday Rest

I’ve been paying today for all that I got done yesterday, as I expected I would. I have rested, read the Weekend iPaper and slept most of the afternoon with a heat patch on my back.

The pain and fatigue has been utterly debilitating today but I have been telling myself that at least yesterday was a productive day. I find it so frustrating that one long day can cause up to a week of recovery time. 

Perhaps it was foolish of me to do things yesterday when I was already in a flare up but if I didn’t, I would never achieve anything, even a long overdue hair appointment.

I ordered a small book haul online on Thursday which arrived this afternoon (today’s Blip). I have promised myself these will be the last books I buy for the next three months! Two of them are autobiographies, which I particularly enjoy reading. I was fortunate to get them all at a good price.

The extras are a couple of snaps from today’s Weekend iPaper showing the amounts of expenses various MPs have claimed for their energy bills - it made for appalling reading. Please have a look. 

The other couple of extras are photos I took watching Season 5 of The Crown after my long nap. I’m about to start on Episode 3. I absolutely love The Crown and like immersing myself in a series, it’s a good pain distraction.

I had fish pie and peas for dinner and am going to watch Strictly later with my electric heat pad on. Hoping as ever that tomorrow my pain and fatigue will reduce a little.

I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend so far. It has been sunny here today with no rain. I was sorry I didn’t feel up to venturing outside.

Thanks for all your lovely comments, stars, hearts and follows - I plan to catch up on comments tomorrow if I’m feeling a little better :) xx

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