Arc-ing around

Asha had a fantastic morning at the beach with a charity called Meet The Sea. The guy went diving and brought back things for them to study and learn about, and they finished the afternoon with a beach clean up. Meanwhile Danny took Nate swimming which he loved. We had some very dramatic weather throughout, including a hail storm and very dramatic thunder and lightening!! I cooked a roast, with the potatoes done in coconut oil a la Helpix!! They were very tasty, I'll do them that way again - thanks for the tip!
This afternoon we drove up the coast and brought hot chocolates with us in we wandered along this beautiful rainbow appeared!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha really enjoying her morning.
2) Danny coming back from where he's studying - there's a guy outside who's been shouting his name for quite a while!!!
3) This beautiful rainbow - full of colour and meaning.

Today's joy theme is 'autumn';
1) That chestnuts are back in the supermarkets and greengrocers, the sign of autumn here!
2) Autumn sunsets in Ibiza - spectacular.
3) The smell of autumn in the air - the smokiness from the community bonfire in Sa Penya...the damp smell from falling rain...

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