Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Enjoying our walk.

A short one in the morning as I headed into town to track down another parcel. They said it wasn't there yet. Hit a couple of pet shops been looking for a rug for Breagh she's been feeling the cold more than I thought she would. No luck but did buy 6 beef ribs wrapped in oesophagus for the dogs for their Christmas. Got back home lit the stove made some breakfast and the carrier company phoned to say they did in fact have the parcel. I left it for next week. In the afternoon the managers wife came for our weekly ish tea and chat get together. In the evening we took out Buds stitches his wound is healing nicely.

"When we let fear be our master, we cannot be happy and free as a butterfly. But when we choose to trust the journey and embrace love and joy, we are free to fly."
— Annicken R. Day

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