Water Droplets

This was my first session with my new (well actually second-hand camera) and I initially was struggling to get the four external flashes to operate properly. However, once I had referred back to my damaged camera and the handbook I was eventually able to get the setting right. 

I hardly ever use flash in any of my other types of photography so I am a bit of an ignoramus when it comes to external flash use. With external flash you have to get numbered channel and alphabetical class right and this is a bit of a fiddle to do if you do not recognise what all the little buttons on the back of each speedlite do. Still once you have sorted this out you do not have to worry about it in the future as you just use the same settings. In this session I hardly changed the splashart settings which control the size of the water droplets and when they fall so you can see just how variable the droplet collision can be. What I did alter was the colour of the gels I was using in front of the flash lights. The droplets may not be as pin sharp as usual as I changed the aperture  quite a bit and thereby the depth of field

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