A walk . . . .

in the garden today produced a sighting of the swallows picking up mud for their nests, a CMR (Cape Mounted Rifles colours) beetle eating the agapanthus and a delightful, very small, praying mantis.  There were three I found - two much smaller and this little fellow.
We have had two lovely English weather type days after one very hot day, but it appears to be hotting up again this afternoon.  I baked some 5 minute cheese scones as we are going out to tea shortly and Y thought we'd better take an offering! She went to rest and left me to it.....I have tried them and they are edible so all ought to be well..... at least I am still standing!
Y is feeling very tired again so I guess when she goes to see her GP tomorrow and he takes blood, she might end up having a transfusion.  Time will tell....
Ooops - I believe this is my 9th year blipping entry! Who'd have believed I would have been here that long. 
Such a fabulous place to be though and to visit all round the world seeing so many fab photos and meeting so many wonderful folk along the way, both in person and virtually.

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