A new week

Good day at Mission HQ, relatively few volunteers and a small delivery meant a quieter day but as ever they worked wonders with the gifts we have in the warehouse and another 250+ children accounted for.

We finished up a little earlier than planned which gave me the time to nip to the supermarket and pick up a few bits and pieces for dinner. Mince and tatties with dough balls and peas. Very nice.

Miss My Hl hit the good news that there are no broken bones in her foot but she’s been advised to ice it and not walk too far. Her boss at school is happy for her to work from home but unfortunately she needs to be in tomorrow as she is hosting some visitors so I’ve agreed I’ll pick her up in the morning. It will mean a very early start to try and avoid the traffic but them’s the breaks!.

Thanks to Heanku for hosting MonoMonday. This was the best street scene I could manage as I’ve been inside a warehouse all day.

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