Red Sky at night...

An admin morning...looking at the legalities of charity shops in Spain. Unfortunately as of 2020 laws have changed so everything in a charity shop is taxable...seems to be no tax break on anything now. I think people were saying they were a charity shop but clearly weren't, so the government are cracking down. 
Team meeting this afternoon...lots discussed and action points agreed. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This gorgeous sunset I noticed as Danny and Stephen left early evening! Wish I'd been able to get somewhere with a good view to photograph it! This was hanging out of our front window, looking away from the Port. 
2) Helpful (though not all ideal) info from people re charity shops.
3) Nate coming out of school in an extremely chirpy mood.

Today's joy theme is 'family';
1) That my family are healthy.
2) That my family generally get on well. Asha and Nate played board games together this evening.
3) That family is so much more than blood. We have some wonderful non-blood family whom I love dearly and am very grateful for.

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