Acts of deliberate notice

By Yaviere


I am on holiday! 

D and I went for a long walk today across the cliffs and back. It was so gloriously bright and warm, with hardly a wind to speak of. We stopped in the next town over for a satisfying lunch of soup and teeny tiny bread loaves which caused me to forget I was in public and get very excited by their cuteness. The waiter thankfully tolerated me.

Near to the far end of our circuit, we entered a field and suddenly noticed a very still shape in a tree only a handful of metres from where we stood. This beautiful lady sat her perch, watching us with curiosity but no fear. Sometimes other birds caught her attention, and once she spotted something in the bushes below her, but otherwise she seemed quite content with her sunny spot. 

We watched her for ages, then she flew off only to land in another nearby tree. Several times we stood and watched her in different spots and not once did she seem scared of us or bothered by our presence. It almost felt like being watched over. I feel so lucky, and so honoured, to have been granted this gift today.

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