
I enjoyed porridge with the HazelHs and Laura this morning before we all set out to town - the three of them to catch a train to Newcastle for a day's excursion and me for a meander before catching my bus home. 

I made my way to Calton Hill where I enjoyed fine views of the city and beyond and added to my collection of pictures of others photographing the view

As we were leaving the Edinburgh I heard the couple behind me saying that S (their son) missed his flat in x street. I thought I know an S with parents in Inverness who had a flat in that street - I wonder if it is them. I hesitated to ask as this would indicate I was eavesdropping. We all had to change buses in Edinburgh and I decided to ask and it was them and we had a lovely chat. The women behind them then said Hello - she was next door neighbour for Edinburgh. Who knew that getting the M90 could be such a sociable experience. 

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