Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

The man with a daughter called Lorna

This morning Fifi & Bumble were in town so we headed off early to go and see their show. As a massive fan, L put on her favourite Fifi knickers on for the occasion. We have some friends from home who are also here at the same time as us so we met up with them for the morning so they could partake in face painting and a bit of play time.

In the afternoon we checked out Tenby and I was quite impressed by the winding coastline and colourful buildings surrounded by turrets and old school walls.

Today's blip was the accordion player from the town. He played some jolly tunes that got L running straight across the road towards him without checking, feeling his enchanting pull like the pied piper! :-S He had such a fabulous strong welsh accent that it was quite hard for me to understand him. I did make out that he had a daughter called Lorna and that he hoped the kids were having a nice day.

Not quite warm enough for ice cream today but we settled for fish and chips on the way home. Racing back to the hut with the chips in tow, M dropped them and our lovely handmade fish cakes made their way on to the grass. The rest got home in one piece and tasted incredible.

Midget gems and sparkling water (wouldn't want to be unhealthy ;-)) and bed.

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