Northern Star

By Lifferz


This is the only photograph that I took today. So often my communications with Mr H when he is not staying here, involve taking a photograph of something and then asking a question about it.

Today I was notified that the lights in the kitchen was stuck on ‘on’ mode. This was because the battery in the sensor had run out. Apparently if the lights in the kitchen stay on all night then ‘the house doesn’t go to sleep’ (we have an automated house). If the batteries weren’t replaced than the heating and the television would stay on and I wouldn’t be able to turn these things off manually!

This is a photograph of the batteries that I’d found and I couldn’t find similar size batteries to replace them with. We must have about 500 different types of battery in the house! I was reassured that this was the wrong type of sensor. Apparently this is temperature and humidity sensor. Let’s me tell you the temperature was probably rising in my head around this time. . .

I needed to climb a ladder to get to the ceiling in order to locate the motion sensor, which I hadn’t spotted before. Batteries replaced, lights off, everything is okay again for awhile.

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