This is the day

By wrencottage

The storm before the calm

I’m on the home straight now, from a moth-clearing point of view. The last area of carpet has now been shampooed and is drying off and I’m hoping that by the end of tomorrow this mammoth task will be completed.

Until then, there’s just the small matter of the two tall empty bookcases temporarily residing on the upstairs landing, not to mention the piles and piles of books which have had to be stacked on every available surface in The Traveller’s room while I shampooed the carpet area underneath where the bookcases usually stand.

Never mind, it is definitely the storm before the calm, because the minute the newly-polished bookshelves go back into place tomorrow on the clean and moth-proofed carpet, and I start replacing the books, it will only be a matter of an hour or two before the bedroom and landing are once more tidy and shipshape. It’s been a long haul!

I had a brief respite from the task this afternoon when I went for a coffee with a neighbour. I took her this little carrier bag that I made, with an assortment of note cards in it. 

[NB pillarboxcottage is my other internet name, which Blip wouldn’t allow me to use because it was one character too long.]

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