
By Skysea7

Yesterday at the beach

It’s rained all day today, just as it did every day last week apart from yesterday. Yesterday had sunny intervals and distant showers - better than grey and constant wet murk!

My house electricity problems were finally over at the end of yesterday. It’s such a relief to be able to do ordinary things like washing and ironing and putting light on!

But my poorly cat has a tumour. She has been very healthy for all her 12 years and while it’s very upsetting to see her so subdued, the vets fees have upset me more, though in a different way. After the first consultation the vet said I needed to bring her back in 2 days. So that’s two fees of £50, a blood test fee if £117, and two separate medications totalling £60. When the time comes they will charge £110 for euthanasia and £80 for cremation. I don’t know how they sleep at night. They know that pet owners have very little choice so they get away with charging what they like.

My cat may have a month left, depending on how fast the tumour grows. She became ill quite suddenly so I suspect she doesn’t have long. I don’t want her to be in pain and it’s hard to tell what she’s feeling. She wants to eat but is only eating small amounts. I find it really difficult forcing drugs into her with a syringe.

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