Walking in the dark

I again ended up walking in the dark, leaving the house just after five for a half hour circuit round the village. I don't really enjoy this, as beyond the small centre of the village there are a lot of long, dark stretches between the few street lamps. However, my leg and foot are still swollen and sore, and the two things which help are walking, which I'm trying to fit in every day, and alternating any sitting or, worst of all, standing, with periods lying down. I find this very difficult to accommodate in my days.

Today was mostly about J, all the routine things and a bit of online browsing with her, but P had cooked and peeled a large bowl of beetroots ready for me to slice and pickle. We had an excellent crop of beetroot this year, so a pantry shelf is gradually filling up with jars of multicoloured beetroot, purple, red, pinkish white and gold, for P's winter and spring of breakfast toasties.I'm hoping there will be enough to keep him going until next year's crop are big enough for eating.

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