
I took this picture through the bedroom door because I liked the juxtaposition of the metal wings with the real birds sitting all over the fence waiting their turn at the little blue feeder. The reflections on the glass helps camouflage the background of the detritus remaining in our neighbors' field. 

They brought in an even bigger excavator on the cliff house side (there are three now + the bleeping lift for the painters) I was a bit put out that he came on a Sunday, but I suppose the sooner begun the sooner ended, for he was sifting one of the the dirt piles for rocks which went into the dump truck. He only made a couple of trips today but it was undoubtedly a taste of what is to come tomorrow....

After a walk around the neighborhood, I decided to see if, having failed to make the deadline for the Thanksgiving table runner, I could turn what I have done into place mats. In the process of getting a place mat to use for size, I realized that the drawers were full of table linens that are never used and crammed in every whichway so I got sidetracked into emptying all the drawers, editing the supply and hauling a lot of stuff down to the garage. As always, there was a certain amount of mission creep which meant organizing the pantry and shoving a lot of other stuff further out the door to shelves which were already in need of organizing. But that will have to wait for another burst of energy.

The brisket party at Dana and Jim's was really fun. I spent quite a lot of time talking with Will, his girlfriend, Chloe, and their friend from Swaziland. A lot of the young people were home from school or jobs and there was quite a crowd. The brisket was brought in to 'rest' and everybody stood around it willing it to get on with it so we could eat! Even though we had already dispatched a lovely cheese platter and a huge bowl of buffalo chicken wings and enough beverages to be feeling quite merry we were up for the main event. And it was  worth the wait....

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