Dychweliad y fainc

Dychweliad y fainc ~ The return of the bench

“We are saved, we are liberated and enlightened, by perceiving the hitherto unperceived good that is already within us, by returning to our eternal Ground and remaining where, without knowing it, We have always been.”

― Aldous Huxley

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Heddiw - tra aeth Nor'dzin i'w grŵp  cerddorfa - gwnes i glirio'r patio o'i malurion -  cymysgedd o ddail, sment a mwd. Roedd awr o waith ac yn y diwedd roeddwn i'n hapus i ddechrau dod â dodrefn patio yn ôl i lawr.  Yfory byddan ni'n gwneid mwy o waith i dacluso mwy o'r ardd lle rydyn ni wedi gosod y pethau i gyd bod yn rhaid i ni symud tra roedd y gweithwyr yn gweithio ar y waliau. Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at weld gardd fwy taclus, ac wrth gwrs yn eistedd ar y patio yn y diwrnodau cynnes haf y flwyddyn nesa.

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Today - while Nor'dzin went to her orchestra group - I cleared the patio of its debris - a mixture of leaves, cement and mud. It was an hour's work and in the end I was happy to start bringing patio furniture back down. Tomorrow we will do more work to tidy up more of the garden where we have put all the things that we had to move while the workmen were working on the walls. We are looking forward to seeing a tidier garden, and of course sitting on the patio in the warm summer days next year.

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