Dychweliad y babell

Dychweliad y babell ~ The return of the tent

“The fact that astronomies change while the stars abide is a true analogy of every realm of human life and thought, religion not least of all. No existent theology can be a final formulation of spiritual truth.”
― Harry Emerson Fosdick

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Roedd rhaid i ni symud y babell tra roedd y gweithwyr yn chwistrellu'r wal gerllaw. Nawr rydyn ni'n gallu ei symud hi'n ôl. Rhaid i ni ei sychu nawr a rhoi matiau a dodrefn yn ôl y tu mewn.

Yn gyd-ddigwyddiadol roedd diwedd mis Tachwedd y llynedd roedden ni'n codi'r babell yn y lle hwn am y tro cyntaf. Mae hi wedi goroesi blwyddyn ym mhob tywydd ac mae hi'n dal yn graenus. Mae hi wedi bod lle myfyrdod da iawn ac rydyn ni'n gobeithio y bydd hi'n parhau am lawer mwy o flynyddoedd.

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We had to move the tent while the workmen were spraying the wall nearby. Now we can move hit back. We have to dry it now and put mats and furniture back inside.

Coincidentally it was the end of November last year when we pitched the tent in this place for the first time. She has survived a year in all weathers and she is still fine. It has been a very good place of meditation and we hope it will continue for many more years.

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