Thank You Card

Thank you all for your compliments, stars, and hearts for yesterday's shot!  It was a magical day!

This is the Thank You card that came with the mail last Friday.  It came from two nice young ladies and their blipmum for a little package of treats.  I'll quote a couple of passages:  'Lieve Ellaphant, Dank je wel voor de hagelslag!  Het is lekker!' and 'The silverware is pretty!  I don't think I could ever eat with it!'  Hugs for you both!

A day of more bookkeeping, this time the deeper and more extensive side of things.  It took a number of hours but got sorted out in the end.  Now that the year is drawing to a close, I thought it would be a good way to take stock of what our situation has been like these past 11 months.  It's far from rosy, but a lot less rocky.

Tomorrow will be the start of a very busy week, as well as some rainy weather, unless the clouds go.  Trusting you've all had a good weekend.  And thank you again!

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