MonoMonday: Candlelight

Heanku has chosen "Candlelight" for today's MM theme, as "now the darkness is here and it's the time to light candles indoors and just snuggle up".

So this is a little mobile decoration, with some lovely little robins which spin round - powered by a tea-light candle in the base.

As I photographed it against a black background I've left the yellow glow of the candle as the sole illumination - I hope it still counts as mono, being black-and-yellow rather than black-and-white. It tried it in B&W but it lost that nice warm glow.

As of today I can no longer tease my Editor that she's a year (or even a decade?) older than me :-))

Note: Remember that tomorrow isTiny Tuesday, TT392. There's no specific optional theme this week - just anything tiny. We're already looking froward to looking at them all and awarding Hearts and HMs.

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