Misty day. 11:00

I took the photo as we were on our walk this morning. It’s like autumn is still hanging on.
The colours were lovely.
The mist hasn’t cleared today very much, with dense cloud cover.
After a welcome coffee stop at Chase Farm, (very good coffee there) we set off once more.
A car pulled up beside us a bit further on, and it was a couple of friends. They wanted to know if we would like a lift home. We declined. But having ascertained I would be at home this afternoon, one of them is going to pop in for a catch up.
I’m currently doing some French translation for next Monday’s session on Zoom. I am also giving a small talk about the current book I am reading, by Irène Némirovsky.
She was a Ukrainian jew, born in Kyiv who lived more than half of her life in France, but was denied French citizenship.
( My friend turned up at this point. She has just left after an hour and a half catching up! Stephen had gone to the gym).
There is no lovely moon to see outside this evening, as the cloud cover is dense. But it doesn’t seem quite as misty outside.
I need to finish off what I was doing earlier before tea, so I’ll stop here.

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