Poster Boy

Went to work, worked, went back home.

A full study day for the entire faculty.  The workshop I chose for the afternoon session was all about using the APA system of referencing.  I am familiar with the APA but it was good to refresh my knowledge.  I do not need to teach it at the moment, I think, but now suddenly I'm wondering if this is yet another nudge from the Third Eye to prepare me for yet another extension of my contract.  No, I can't predict the future, but sometimes I seem to be able to foresee it.  Time will tell.  Aside from our Study Day, we noted that our mayor and some other VIPs had lunch reservations.  Can't really blame them for choosing our place, the food is so good.

Spent part of the evening talking to Mimi, but also replying to mails from the Viking.  With regards to the case, anxiety leads to exhaustion, and exhaustion leads to anxiety.  In my situation, distractions are welcome, and so I distracted myself up to the wee hours by... correcting exams!  Those who regularly attended classes got all the material I could give, while those who didn't ended up with several minus points.  I am far from done, of course, and I'll need at least all the time I can spare up to the weekend and maybe beyond.  In between all that, I now have to teach Toon's first-year groups.

A good distraction would be the hunt.  We might have good weather tomorrow, I might manage to make time in the afternoon.  Something to look forward to.

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